Bi-Curious, Bisexual, or Free of Gender Bias? Tantra Introduction by Male and/or Female

Posted : Friday, January 03, 2025 04:39 PM | 10 views

Freedom from gender preference is often interpreted from a biased perspective. The terms bi-curious, bi-sexual, pan-sexual, or any other term actually remains in the realm of gender preference. Gaining TOTAL freedom from this bias is liberating in ALL areas of life. This liberation reduces stress, fear, anxiety, and depression, and can lead to a more healthy and satisfying life experience. The study and practice of Tantra enables, liberates, empowers, and opens an entire world of sensual spirituality. Sensuality and spirituality have been separated to the unfortunate de-evolution of our human species. Sensuality and spirituality CANNOT be separated. Once they are separated, the sensual aspects of life are considered "base" or "carnal". Sensuality, in the perspective of Tantra, is as spiritual as meditation, prayer, fasting, and all other rites and rituals. We are a couple and we practice together as a couple or separately one on one with men, women, and couples. We are a loving and in love couple who are highly trained and practiced to provide an amazing experience in Tantric introduction. Please take a moment to read the testimonials below. We have introduced Tantra to hundreds of individuals and couples and for those that understand the process it has changed their lives, enabling them to become more peaceful and compassionate, less anxious, stressed, and judgmental. We work from a beautiful, secluded and private, as well as well appointed studio with well placed mirrors, beeswax candles, and warm oils. Our practice is safe, hygienic, and we are discrete professionals who teach and mentor for the World Association of Tantra Professionals. Tantra is a way of life, and the way it is introduced is highly sensual, erotic, arousing, and relaxing at the same time. It is like a spiritual experience without the expectations and demands or most religions. Many religions postulate that if you do one thing or another you will become spiritual, Tantra affirms that you do not have to do anything to be spiritual, you just need to realize that you already are spiritual. The spiritual and the physical are NOT separate. Please feel free to call us at 206.310.8280 or email us at and we can schedule an introduction to this life altering process. Our suggested donation for time spent with either one or both of us is $275 for the first hour and $90 for each additional 1/2 hour. This suggestion is commensurate with the quality of our work, the attention you receive, the lushness of the space we work from, and the assurance of the confidentiality and privacy of our professionalism. We also have student practitioners that work with us, ask about the possibility of involving one of them in your session. Testimonials • I had a nice drive home. The more time I spend with you the more emotionally uplifting the experience is. I guess with me it is a matter of trust. I am always guarded and somewhat closed off. But as I spend more time with you folks I am able to let the walls down and feel the real joy and acceptance you all offer. It is a powerful thing to just let go and be myself. In other words thanks for allowing me to experience what you all have to offer. • What an amazing experience. I find myself wanting to discuss things further with you. I felt I could have spent the afternoon in discussion. I am interested in learning more. I read through the articles you sent and find them fascinating. I expected to just find new age feel good religion, but I found some real new insight from the articles and our brief conversation. • I've been searching for a practitioner for several years now, I always keep looking for what I once had when I lived in the Netherlands about 8 years ago where I was first introduced to Tantra. I have tried a few practitioners in the U.S., however, up until now I continued to search for that incredible high I once had in Holland. After our recent session my search has ended, you are the real deal. • Thank you all so much for sharing with me and my partner! My senses were awakened! The next morning and day the world and things around me seemed brighter and clearer. Brightness and clarity felt so beautiful. Thank you all for making both of us feel such comfort with ourselves and you on a first visit. • I am a doctor and a professor and I am trying to define what just happened to me in those terms. It is impossible to do so. • Our last couples session was great. Thank you for sharing yourselves with us. I think D and I are beginning to see how our love, lives and relationships are affected our increased understanding of energy, expectations, and experiences. • If more people practiced as you do their would be far less war and conflict in our world. • My Dear Friends, today was very special. I feel humbled you would open up so much to me. I felt great love for you and with you today and I enjoyed your company immensely. You are a special, gifted couple. • Thanks for taking the time this past Thursday to give me an introduction to sensual touch and tantra. It's obvious you're both very advanced, enlightened, and sensitive individuals. A great team. I hope to learn much in the future. • My husband says he enjoyed our session earlier this week more than I did, although I can't imagine how so, as I got all the attention ...Anyway, thank you for your instructions and the experience. • I have recently tried a few tantric sessions to relieve the pressure and longings and I feel and these sessions have helped. But then I tried a session with a couple for the first time - you - and suddenly the world was different. I hope you are smiling right now because what you did for me the other day was magical. When I was with you almost all of my senses were aroused, including my desire to talk to you and know you, so this is not just a physical attraction. Despite the fact we are strangers to each other, I felt completely comfortable with you, felt I could tell you anything that was on my mind, believed I could share my most intimate thoughts and that they will remain locked away with you and only you. Please feel free to call us at 206.310.8280 or email us at and we can schedule an introduction to this life altering process. ten essentials massage puyallup wa,adult massage bellevue,factoria massage,rub maps seattle,asian massage lynnwood wa,bodyrub seattle,bendescorts,ts escort toronto,erotic massage sites,seattle erotic body rub
  • Post ID : 4501500
  • Poster's age : 29
  • City : Seattle
  • Address : Seattle