Thu 02 Jan
💘👅Curvy Frame👅💦 THICK BOOTY👀👀💋❤️️❤️️ Ready to Have Fun💘👅 🌺🌸Sweet Caramel Bunny🌸🌺 Wide - 25
(City of Seattle, JUST ABOVE DOWNTOWN In and Outs, Seattle)
~★~ Curvy ~★~ Snowbunny ~★~ SPECIALS! Treat Yourself Right this 4th of JULY ~★~ - 20
(Seattle, DOWNTOWN SEATTLE!!!!!!!)
•★• COME UN-WRaP •★• ———• ★• SaNTa'S N.A.U.G.H.T.Y PLaYMaTE •★• ——— •★• OF THE YEaR•★• - 24
(Seattle, AUBURN, KENT ❤•100 SPECiAL•❤•LAST DAY)
COMPLETELY The full Mexican mami Experience SPECIALS 24/7 100$$ hr incall & outcalls - 23
Come Be My Quarterback & Score Like Desirve !!! Call For Exclusive Football Special $$$ - 25
(Kent, Seattle Special's)
💙🏈💚 Come Check Out My Tight End 💙🏈💚All Ports Open 💙🏈💚 In Kirkland 💙🏈💚 Go Hawks - 40
(Kirkland, Seattle)
❗Chyna's Back❗👉NAUGHT¥ Ebony ╠╣ØTT¡€👈 💕34DD TiTS-SLiM Waist-PRETTy Face 💕 ≋★≋ SUCH A JU!CY TREAT🍒🍒 - 22
(Seattle, 💞Lynwood Everett incalls/Outcalls also💞)
{* CuRvY BlOnDe KnOcKoUt *} * {* WeLl ReViEwEd PlAyMaTe *} * {* WhAt MoRe CoUlD YoU WiSh FoR? *} - 21
(renton in/out)
cutie with a fat booty ~~Miss Tweilah~~ seattles hottest redhead - 35
(Seattle, discreet kent incall)
come get the best treatment in your life $$$$ 60 $$$$ incall special - 29
(Seattle, everett to tacoma outcalls provided)
Come hit MY JACKPOT, and be LUCKY for LIFE..2533433299 des moines incall Super Special! 50hh 100hr - 21
(Seattle, KENT/DES MOINES 2533433299 50hh 100hr)
Come Look Inside For Your Ultimate Young Sexy Sensual Love Goddess ! ~~~~ - 23
(Seattle And Surrounding Areas)
✴ ▄ ✴ ▀ ✴✴ ▄ ✴ ▀ ✴♡ ♡ ♡💋💋 COME PLAY 🌟🌟🌟 A Sweet & Sexy Brunette 💋💋♡ ♡ ♡✴ ▄ ✴ ▀ ✴✴ ▄ ✴ ▀ ✴ ♥$70 - 22
(Seattle, KENT)
come take a first class flight to pleasure island with tasha 24yr old hottie... - 24
(Seattle, southking county)
°•°•°•Chocolate Jamaican Hottie Wants You To Come Play With Me•°•°• Seatac area - 19
(Seattle, seatac wa)
(¯`★´¯) CLaSSy.. SaSSy.. FiEStY & FuN NoTHiNg LiKe ThE OtHeRs.. OuR DuO iS #1 (($100 I/C)) (¯`★´¯) - 22
(Seattle, ReDMOND Prvt I/C)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ Classy ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ Upscale ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ Dating ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ - 24
(Seattle, Dt Seattle/ Bellevue/ outcalleverywhere)
COME ♝ ((T)) ¡ (( C)) ((K)) L ((E)) My _H♡T __ Sp♡T __ ((P)) I ((N)) K ♝ - - Happy Hour Incall Deals - 20
(Seattle, Seattle incalls & outcalls)
Coming to town!! Ask me about my special!?!? Don't play games don't wast another second call me now! - 21
(Sea Tac, Seatac)
*:•.♥ •:*¨¨* ❤▒█ δωεε† ₰ Cυr√γ *:•.♥ •:*¨¨* ❤▒█ δε∂υ©†¡√ε *:•.♥ •:*¨¨* ❤▒█ ηαυς╠╣†γ ❤▒█ SPECiALS !! - 21
(Seattle, FACTORIA BELLEVUE incall)
💎💎💎 CRAViNG Something ✔BRUNETTE ✔TiNY ✔SEXYY ✔✔✔N.A.U.G.H.T.Y💋💎💎💎 - 25
(Kent IncallOutcall, Renton, Seattle)
★•°___ C€R†¡F¡€Ð B€ÂU†¥¡! ~ W€LL WÕR†H ¡† BÂB¥ ___°•★•° CÂLL M€ ¥ÕU'R€ L¡TTL€ FR€ÂK!!! 80 spl - 24
(Seattle, renton n outcalls n carplay)
Curvey, beautiful ebony available for outcalls, outcalls (253) 470-6452 Specials available - 25
Come be treated like the KING you are. PRIVATE Renton Incall - 28
(Seattle, In-Renton Out-Call/Text)
💫Chyna Rain🎎 💫Real Ebony Model👯 🔥Smoking Hot🔥SiMpℓy💕 THE💕BeSt 👉Bothell Incalls👈 - 24
(City of Seattle, Seattle, 👉Bothell/Mill-Creek Incalls 👈)
###### Classy & Friendly ^^^ Taiwanese Sexy Yoyo ^^^ ###### Incall Only 425-738-6585 @@ - 21
(Seattle, Kirkland Incall Only)
cLasSy,SASSy Brunette!check out ALL my Hot Pics! - 27
(Seattle, kent seattle bellevue everett seatac all)
★ Click HERE ------- >> ASIAN & WHITE BOMBSHELL ___★___ 150 HR 100 HH ★ - 22
~~~~ CLICK HERE ~~~~ CLICK HERE ~~{{{ H E Y !! }}}~~ CLICK HERE ~~~~ CLICK HERE ~~~~ - 27
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* BIG -:¦:- BOOTY-:¦:- 80 SPECIAL!! - 20
💜💕💕💜 Craving Something 💜💕💕💜 Sweet & Highly Addicting BOOTY NURU💜💕💕💜 ABC 💜💕💕💜 R€@L 💜💕💕💜 Hot 💜💕💕💜 YOUNG Doll 💜💕💕💜 - 20
(@ RENTON LANDING IN/OUT 💜💕💕💜💜💕💕💜💕💕💜, Renton, Seattle)
cOmE gEt with seXy sTraWbErrY blOndE dEliGhT (unrushed specials)!!!!! - 24
(Seattle, tukwila incall)
Come have your way with the amazon princess $80 incall special - 29
(Seattle, kirkland incall outcalls provided)
""""""" CLICK HERE """""""" CLICK HERE """"""" CLICK HERE """""""" BUSTY SWEDISH PRINCESS """"""" - 27
(Seattle, --I COME TO YOU..ANY CITY!!)
-✫_ ( (CLICK ME) ) __Se-Xy _❤ ReLax & EnJoY ❤ Incall Specials - 22
CaRaMeL EboNy MIX'd♥[[1OO% Real Pics! ]] & [[ ߀ÂU†i FUL FACe ]] ♥√• HOT BODY - 24
(Seattle, Auburn Federal way In&Out; 2 all area's)
{{ CAUTioN }}MY ( PlEASURE = ZoNe)iS SL!PPERY = WHeN ( W*E*T) {Up LaTe} - 27
Come have $ome fun with $exy thick light $kin in $horeline ***InCall Only*** 24hrs - 20
(Seattle, seattle,Wa(all over wa))
@..@ Come R*E*L*A*X or get W-I-L-D with a chOColATe N@UGHTY FREAK @..@ SEATAC INCALL SPECIAL - 28
❤ ███████ CLICK HERE ████████ ❤ P_E_R_F_E_C_T ★P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E ▄♥ █ ☆█♥BBW .▄▄♥ █ ☆█♥ - 22
(Seattle, outcalls to dwntwn bellevue hotels only!)
🌴🌺Come Away With Me Tonight~ Where Fantasy Meets Reality☀️🌴 - 28
(Seattle, Seattle Bellevue InCall Outcall)
~:Come enjoy the company of Breanna n the luvly EVA:~ come now papi amazing duo - 21
(Seattle, Kent my place ;) incall only or out)
Come Get A Taste Of Carribean Chocolate That Melts In Ya Mouth incall only - 19
(Seattle, tukwila wa incalls only)
can i be your girl for a 60$ incall 80 $ outcall specials 206 832 6664 - 29
(Seattle, kent incall/ outcall provided)
Captivating, Luscious Drops of Succulent Pleasure - 20
(Seattle, Seattle & Surrounding Areas In/Out)
Cassey Love ~GREAT RATES~ NO RUSH~Very Sexy - 19
(Seattle, Tukwila incall /Outcall anywhere you are)
(*(* CAUTION *)*) ___ ExTreMeLy ___ N-AUGH-TY! ~*~ SuPeR BiG B*oo*ty! ~*~(($100)) ~*~ IN/OUTCALL - 20
(Sea-Tac=In Call 24/7)
🍎▃▃▃❀❤❀▃▃▃🍎CHANGE HOTT 🍎▃▃❀❤❀▃▃🍎 PETITE ASIAN BABY🍎▃▃❀❤❀▃▃🍎 NEW FACE🍎▃▃❀❤❀▃▃🍎 BIG Surprise🍎 - 22
(Kirkland, Seattle)
Chocolate Bomshell Plus Your Perfect Companion All In One. Check Out Tonights Special - 18
(Seattle, Queen Anne, Downtown Seattle)
come lick this after noon treat...!!!! xoxoxo - 21
(Seattle, northseattleincallshorline,downtownoucal)