Sun 26 Jan
New private studio in the U-District! Just You, Layla and lots of fun :) - 24
(Seattle, Seattle area)
NEW Face NEW Staff🌺NEW OPEN🌺Classy SeXy Model Girls In The Town❤️Table Shower❤️Call NOW 206-588-1422💞💞 - 21
(Seattle, 929N 130th St #6 Seattle Wa98133)
🌹NEW OPEN🌹Happy Chinese NEW YEAR!!😘😘ALL SeXy❤️HOT YOUNG Girls 4U🌺Table Shower🌺206-588-1422💗💗 - 21
(Seattle, 929N 130th St #6 Seattle Wa98133)
Grand Opening! New Young Sexy Girl Here From LA!! 12 Sexy young Girl working!! Call 206-327-9832 - 22
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N. Suite B Seattle)
Grand Opening❤️🔟NEW Staff SO Beautiful💗SeXy DOLLS Just Come Today!🌺Table Shower😘206-327-9832💞💞 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N #B Seattle Wa98133)
*=*Have fuN Tonight🌹🌹BELLE DOLL Massage‼️‼️gORGeous& HoT yOuNg Girls❤️❤️️TaBLE ShOwer☎️206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE SEATTLE WA98105)
FUll body RelaXing ToUcH🌹🌹having Good Time With Cute L MoDel Girls❤️❤️ENjoy 4 HanDs Touch☎️206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE SEATTLE WA98105)
WE OpEN LaTe‼️nEw SeXy Asain girls Just Arrived♣️♣️MANY Choice U Can ChooSe 🌸Call NoW 296-324-2289 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
WHAT are YOU waiting for . . . Pleasure Awaits- N O W !! ** - 37
(Seattle, Redmond -Avondale and Redmond way)
NEW NEW NEW STAFF TODAY! ▒▓█████████▓▒ BESTEST Massage by NEW Pretty Asian Girls▒▓██████████▓▒ - 27
(Seattle, Seattle/Lake City/Shoreline 206-417-9049)
GRanD OpEnInG@@@SExY loVeLy GiRls TakE Good CarE U*=🌹🌹top Asain SeRvIce🌸🌸Call 206-324-2289 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 SEATTLE WA98144)
gRaNd OpEnInG©©©nEw sExY CUtE ASIan Girls Just Arrived🔴❤️manY CHoIce Wait 4 U Call 206-324-2289💖💖💖 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
Grand Opening!!! Come Enjoy Sexy Massage Thursday!! 12 Sexy asian girls waiting!206-327-9832 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N. Suite B Seattle)
CLassY Asain Lovely Girls❤️❤️EXOTiC TOuCh🔵🔵🔵bEst Asian mAssage🔴🔴🔴TablE Shower==Call 206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
WE OPEN LATE‼️‼️GRAND Opening♣️♣️nEW SEXy GIrls 9⃣GIRLs💝💝Table sHOwer🌹🌹Call 206-324-2289💝💝 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
💘💙💘 S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣💨t!❥▬► Hot👑bOdy 2 bOdy Massage*◀▬💘★ - 24
(Bellingham, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima, OutCall)
NEW Staff Chisnese SO SeXy SO Cute YOUNG Girls❤️Just Come Today!🌺Table Shower 4hands🌺206-588-1422💞💞 - 21
(Seattle, 929N 130th St #6 Seattle Wa98133)
LOOk!!! SO SExY SO CUTe Girls U Can Chhose🌹🌹Bset eXoTic RElaXInG Massage❤️❤️Call 206-526-9000💖💖💖 - 22
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
Grand Opening🌺🔟NEW Staff Asian Beautiful💗Cute DOLLS🌹Just Come From LA🌹Table Shower🌸206-327-9832❤️❤️ - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N #B Seattle Wa98133)
Grand Opening!! Have a Special Day!! 10 Sexy Young Girl Waiting!! Table Shower!4Hands 206-327-9832 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood ave n, seattle wa 98133)
█ ▀▄▀ █ ☆ •: ((( •♥• HOT & LOVELY __ ASIAN GIRLS•♥• )))__WAITING FOR YOU•:☆ █ ▀▄▀ █ - 25
(Seattle, 143 S W 153rd ST Burien(206)-538-6525)
gEanD Opening🎉🎉MoSt Beautiful SExy Girls Right Here💗💗cOmE TRy 💋💋MAnY Choice🌹🌹Call NOw 206-324-2289 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
Grand Opening!! Come And Enjoy A Happy Night!! 12 Sexy Girls Waiting!! Ask4Special!206-327-9832 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N. Suite B Seattle)
------- Best Oriental Massage -------- 425.712.1000 ------- New Cute Professional Staff ------- xoxo - 25
(Seattle, Edmonds)
{{{{{{{{{ THE PERFECT CHOCOLATE BoDy To BoDySLIDES and MoRe}}}}}} 24/7 - 25
(Seattle, Seattle,seatac,Bellevue,& most areas)
WE Open LaTe‼️‼️CALL 206-324-2289 Ask NEw SeXy Cute Girls💋💋💋Top Asain EVErything💯💯TabLe Shower🔵🔵🔵 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
New pix ! Amberly ~ I know how to make you feel like a million bucks ! Available today - 27
(Bellingham, Whatcom/skagit)
❤️❤️❤️NEW new Chinese SO Beautiful💗Cute YOUNG 6 Girls😘😘Magic Touch 4U Body💖💖Table Shower🌺206-588-1422💞💞 - 21
(Seattle, 929N 130th St #6 Seattle Wa98133)
█🌅█🌅█🌅█ ★ GRAND OPENING!★ █🌅█🌅█🌅█ ★ BEST MASSAGE ★ █🌅█🌅█🌅█ NEW GIRLS JUST ARRIVED█🌅█🌅█ - 26
(Tacoma, 1622 Bay ST, Port Orchard WA)
gRanD openIng🎉🎉🎉ManY Choice Waiting 4 U ❤️❤️come Over Pick Anyone U Like🔵🔵Call 206-324-2289 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
GRanD OpenInG🔵🔵We oPeN LaTE‼️‼️MNay CHoIce❤️❤️ComE RealX U BoDy TOuCh💋💋206-324-2289 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
Grand Opening! Have A Happy Saturday! 2 new young girl just come!! 12 sexy girls! Come 206-327-9832 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood ave n, seattle wa 98133)
bELlLe DOll Body ReLaxIng Massage💋💋EnJoy 4 HandS TouCh❤️❤️tablE ShoWeR☎️☎️206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
***💙💙💋💦 Beautiful Blonde 💙👍👍❤❤ Girl Next door 💙 Everything you dreamed about 💜💜💋*** - 22
(Seattle, Federal way)
RElaxing FUll BoDy Massage🔵🔵🔵CUTe yOuNg Girls🔵🔵🔵SPEcial 4 HandS🔵🔵🔵TabLE sHOwEr🔵🔵🔵206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
🌺🌺🌺NEW new Chinese SO Beautiful💋Cute YOUNG 6 Girls💖💖Magic Touch 4U Body❤️❤️Table Shower😘206-588-1422🌹🌹 - 21
(Seattle, 929N 130th St #6 Seattle Wa98133)
NEW Face NEW Staff❤️NEW OPEN❤️SO SeXy💋HOT YOUNG Girls Waiting 4U🌺Table Shower 4 Hands🌺206-588-1422💞💞 - 21
(Seattle, 929N 130th St #6 Seattle Wa98133)
Mutual Sensuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . With Sultry Brunette! - 35
(Seattle, SEATTLE / Great NEW Incall)
** INCREDIBLE Tie & Tease ** FBST ** Dom & Fetish ** w/ 6'0 blonde Natalie - 34
(North Seattle, N. Seattle)
☜♥☞♥❤☜♥☞Looking for a change? All New Chinese Girls Giving Shenyang Massage☜♥☞♥❤☜♥☞ - 23
(Seattle, Chinatown: 303 12th Ave S., Suite B)
🌺Grand Opening🌺🔟NEW SeXy💗Cute DOLLS❤️Have Some Fun Tonight❤️Take Care U Happy❤️Call NOW 206-327-9832🌹🌹 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N #B Seattle Wa98133)
Grand Opening!! Sexy Up Your Monday!! 13 Young Sexy Asian Girls! Ask4Special! Call 206-327-9832 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 greenwood ave n seattle, wa 98133)
Grand Opening!! Come and have a happy day!!! 12 Sexy asian girls waiting!! Call now 206-327-9832 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N #B Seattle WA98133)
Cayce/Ava/Jenny▃Young beautiful JUST Arrived ▂▂ SO HOT *★* SO SWEET @— *★*_206-274-8238 - 23
lOok!!! sO CuTe So SeXy Asain Girls🔴🔴HAVing FUn ToNight💖💖Relaxing Body 4 Hands TouCh☎️☎️206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
Grand Opening!! Have A Special Sunday!! New12 Sexy Girl! Tableshower4U!! 4hands;)! Call 206-327-9832 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood ave n, seattle wa 98133)
Grand Opening🌹Many Girls Just Come Today! SO Beautiful❤️Cute DollS Waiting 4U Body work🌺206-327-9832🌸 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N #B Seattle Wa98133)
🎉🎉🎉GRAnD Opening‼️‼️SO SeXy SO Cute nEw Asian Girls💋💋💋TOp Asain SErvICe🌹🌹Call 206-324-2289💖💖 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S Seattle WA98144)
havIng Fun With SO Cute Lovely Girls💋💋Best Asain Relaxing Massage💖💖️TaBLE Shower 4 Hands☎️206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
eVERyday DIFfErEnt GIrlS💘💘gRaND OpENinG⚫️⚫️mAny Choice WaitIng 4 U🔵🔵TabLE SHOweR💋💋Call 206-324-2289 - 22
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
★---Grand. Opening. Asian Massage-★. In weekend special price 1hour $40 - 25
(Yakima, 4809 tieton drive yakima ,509-388-0273)
Grand Opening! Make The Last Of Your Weekend Count!! 12 Sexy Girls Waiting! Call 206-327-9832 - 21
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N. Suite B Seattle)
36DD Latina~Sexy n Sweet ~ Come enjoy my Sensual touch~ 360.972.8788~PUYALUP~ - 34
(Tacoma, Puyallup, Tacoma, JBLM, Graham, Sumner)
gRaND OpEnIng‼️‼️nEw SExY Girls Just Arrived💘💘manY CHoiCe U Can Choose Naytime💗💗call 206-324-2289 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
BELLE DOLL Massage*=*FuLl Body Relaxing ToUcH💖💖️TaBLE ShOwEr&&4 Hands Specail ☎️☎️206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
█ $80 SPECIAL! █ Loving Touch! █ EROTIC HEALING █ Massage by a Warm, Blond Goddess! █ NATURAL 42DDS! - 39
(Seattle, Beautiful Ballard)
GRanD OpeniNg‼️‼️neW Asain Style Massage💖💖exOtIc TOuCH@@@Many ChOiCe waitIng 4 U☎️206-324-2289 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
Have Some Fun Tonight!❤️SO SeXy💋HOT💋Cute Asian YOUNG Girls Waiting 4U🌺Table Shower🌺206-588-1422💞💞 - 21
(Seattle, 929N 130th St #6 Seattle Wa98133)
Here we give you a relaxed and you can't imagine the Asian Massage! - 26
(Yakima, 1111 N 1st st yakima 509-552-7172)
IF U Feeel TRIED Come Over Here@@@Cute seXy Girls Take Good Care U@@@Table SHOwER🐳🐳🐳Call 206-324-228 - 21
(Seattle, 225 12th Ave S #102 Seattle WA98144)
Grand Opening!! Come And Have A Happy Friday!!! 12 Sexy Asian Girls Waiting! 206-327-9832 - 22
(Seattle, 14314 Greenwood Ave N. Suite B Seattle)
*=*=FULL BOdy Relaxing MAssaGe*~*HAcieNDa HeIGhts MASSage*+*Call Now 206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
FUll boDy Relaxing Massage*=*havInG Good Time With So Cute So Lvely Girls🔴🔴Call Now 206-526-9000🔵🔵🔵 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
█ $80 SPECIAL! █ OLDER GENTS, E.D. & NERVOUS NEWBIES Welcome █ EROTIC TOUCH by a Warm, Busty Goddess - 39
(Seattle, Beautiful Ballard, Seattle)
comE OVEr TRy US U Will Know How Good We ARe‼️‼️sO Sexy So CuTe Girls U Can cHoose☎️☎️206-526-9000 - 21
(Seattle, 5254A university way NE Seattle WA98105)
ALL NEW Face Staff Asian SO SeXy Young Girls💗💗Best In The Town Today❤️❤️Special 4 Hands🌺206-588-1422😘😘 - 21
(Seattle, 929N 130th St #6 Seattle Wa98133)
//// Amazing \\\\ Oriental **** Full Body **** Massage //// 425,712,1000 -- Professional ASIAN Staff - 25
(Seattle, Edmonds)
Sexy Petite Brunette! Girl Next Door Type! Warm Up With Jenna! - 30
(In-Call Federal Way 348th Street, Seattle)
Sexy and Sensual Body Rub... Sweet SUNNY. Tonight until Midnight - 35
(Seattle, Seattle/ Capital hill)
SeXXy Chloe wants to rub you in all the right places!! $99hr today ONLY!! WOW!! - 26
(Sea Tac, Seatac)