Thu 09 Jan
***** look no further *** sexy*** sweet*** and ready to treat ***** - 21
Wed 08 Jan
💕🐰❄️EXTREMELY ѕωєєт🍭 Blonde 👸 BuNnY🐰❄️💕💦Slippery when W·E·T💦💄K!NkY💋🍒 Up an READY to PLAY - 22
(Seattle, Lynwood)
3 DaYs left 70HH SpEcIaL until 2PM with a CHOCOLATE SmOOthIE (.)(.) WHO got THAT plump BOOTY - 28
:*:☆ ★ *THe BEst OF ME ( OUT A HOt ShOWer All YOUr"S $80in sPECIAL - 22
(Seattle, Seattle all surr. 503)750-6370 in/out)
Steaming Hot Pot !! Come get a Taste of this!!! ** 100% real Pics ** Ebony & Asian - 21
(Seattle, SEATTLE/ Kent area IN AND OUT CALL)
Camryn From EB escort agency!!!! im back! incall/outcall 253-217-3780 - 26
(Seattle, millcreek bothell-everett pvt IN/out cal)
lynnwood :) 🙋⭐💓 (ATTENTION)!!! 💖 💦TrUe SuPeRsTaR👅💦 BeST L👀KING*★* 💖👠 ✔BEST ***** ☎☎CaLL NoW!▀█ - 20
(Seattle, lynnwood)
××*××Like choclate, call me××im ready to melt××*×× - 23
(Seattle, in/out Kent seatac tukwila federal way)
*{* Up LaTE*}* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l* kENt}} {*} - 21
(KENT in/out)
~ C*U*T*E ~ A*S*I*A*N ~ C*H*I*C*K ~ I*N* D*E*P*E*N*D* A*N*T ~ N*E*W ~ C*U*T*E ~ A*S*I*A*N ~ - 22
(Seattle, Seattle/King County)
DOWNTOWN 📛➿📛➿📛➿📛 BEST OF THE BEST 📛➿📛➿📛➿📛 PERKY(๏人 ๏) SMALL WAIST 📛➿📛➿📛➿📛 Pretty Face 📛➿📛➿📛➿📛 - 20
(City of Seattle, Seattle, University of Washington New IN/OUT 📛➿📛➿)
((( %%%%))) Dont You Want Me To LOOK Back At You !!! Sweet Chocolate HERE %%%%% - 36
Come ~~play with the ~~ sweet~~ an~~ sexy~~ April Monroe~ - 22
(Seattle, Sea tac, bellevue, federal way, puyallup)
Tue 07 Jan
★★Last day January 31!! ONLY in KENT!! PICS 100% REAL♥♥TS Raven Genevieve ♥♥☆ So dont miss out!!!!★★ - 24
(Kent Area INCALL ONLY, Seattle)
SlOpPy [3]* * NO {{G*A*G}} ReFlEx**LAST DAY *** KENT INcall/outcalls - 24
(kent incalls and outcalls)
Sey light brights , 2 girls . your mind millitary discounts . Anytime. CALL NOW - 20
(Seattle, Seattle , tacoma ; lakewood.)
*~~**~SeXy LaTiNa *NeW iN ToWn* Ready 4 FuN TiMe~**~~* - 22
(Seattle, SeaTac/Tukwila/Kent/Renton/Des Moines)
* * * * * * look no further *** am sexy *** sweet *** and ready to treat * * * * * * - 21
(Seattle, Seattle/sea tac)
Exotic Mika!! Sweet and Discreet.!!. Outcalls Available.!!. - 23
(Renton, Kent, downtown, federal way outc, Seattle, Shoreline)
2533914221 Seductive hïps💦Juicy Lips💦 ßußßle ßooty🍑36dd Tits! SPECIALS👅💦🍌 Naughty At Its Best - 31
(Seattle, in; Bellevue OUT; Seattle Everett Kent)
24/7 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ SW€€T ISLAND G!RL SP€CIAL ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - 25
(Seattle, in/out kent kangley central ave)
$80 Incall special !Gorgeous! Thick.Curvy & SeXy.A** Worship mE PaPa! - 26
(Seattle, Tukwila INCALLS 24/7 out 2)
[ GFE ][[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[ BLONDE BUSTY BOMBSHELL ]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]] [ kent 2 CASINO? - 22
(kent / auburn, Seattle)
DREAM GIRL BLONDE 👱 in need of generous friend...visiting Seattle Renton area/surrounding right NOW - 28
(Call me for details, Seattle)
*** !!!! *** !!!! *** !!!! SWEET & SEXY Latina Looking to Satisfy Your Every Desire !!!! *** !!!! ** - 21
(Seattle, seatac incall / Out Calls Available)
Super Sensual & Sexy Mouth Watering* Jaw Dropping Goddess Has Specials! Call Now 206-402-2436 ***** - 22
(Seattle Bellevue & Sea Tac)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE ______ SPECIALS ______ DUOS AVAILABLE _______ - - 18
(Bellevue IN/OUT)
.*:.:? High Class Companionship at it's finest ?:.:*. - 22
(Kent & surrounding areas IN/OUT CALLS)
**(( BUSTY ITALIAN HOTTIE ))**(( LEAVING IN 2 DAYS ))**(( 36DD ))**(( ))**(( BRAND NEW PICS ))** - 19
pretty brown sugar wild and loves to try new thing two girl speacial also - 19
(Seattle, seatac,downtown,aroura,bellvue,everett)
°•°•° Y♥U •°•°• WILL °•°•° FALL •°•°• IN •°•°• L♥VE °•°•° WITH •°•°• ME °•°•° - 21
(Seattle, IN/OUT 24/7)
****Upscale Mami Ready to fulfill all Your sweet Desires *** - 22
(Seattle, Seattle/Kent/Eastside Areas In/Out)
Tonight! | Leave that 9 To 5 On the Shelf |✾| And Just Enjoy Yourself | Dynamic Duo's - 26
(Seattle, Kent In Out Everywhere Ummmmm!!!!!!!!)
(Let's Play )) ~* More BEAUTIFUL Than Ever ((36C)) * 100% SeXy * 100% ME * 100% N-AUGHT-Y - 23
(Seattle, Bellevue in/outcalls)
Late NiTe Specials!! ~ Super Responsive 2 Ur TouCH~~2 Hr SpeCiALs!! ~~ In/OuT Day or NiTe!! - 30
(Seattle, Lynnwood/Everett/Seattle)
*♛*Kent InCall*♛* 6O..9O..16O *♛* Big B.O.O.T.Y. + CURVES*♛*Morning Specials - 24
(Seattle, kent INCALL)
KENT ~T~I~GHTER Than 4th & Inches Last Day In KENT So... COME Get THIS! Specials Till Check~Out - 99
(Seattle, Kent Auburn Renton Seattle Bellevue)
Im on the HuMpDaY late night creep. Come creep with me ! 50 rose SPECIAL !!! - 48
(Seattle, Kent area IN/OUT call avail Ez fwy acces)
____I'm a Bad- Tattooed Chick .. who IS SWEET and FleXible!! ....Kent Location_______ - 28
(Seattle, KENT VALLEY -IN/OUT (no hotels))
Blonde, blue eyed country BOMBSHELL with BOOTY FOR DAYS!!! 100% REAL PICS GUARANTEED!!! - 19
(Tacoma, University Place/ Tacoma OUTCALLS ONLY)
Thછ βછડt کછxy کછcrછt عvછચિ💕 fลηtลនเีછន Fછtเัនhછន Fتη! 4'11 36dd's βఠఠtγ & βછลυtγ! - 31
(Seattle, In&out; Seattle Kent Bellevue Renton Aubu)
✹❤️ NEW 100% REAL ❤️▂▃▄▅▆❤️ Dominican ▂▃▄▅▆▇❤ CLick Here fellas!!!! - 24
(Seattle, incall downtown sea/ outcall everwhere)
In Call SPEIALS With A Top Notch Experienced Gorgeous Busty Blonde - 38
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac/Kent/Renton/Bellevue)
**JILLIAN **o©• {Sweetness} °o©• {Petiteness} °o©• {{&}} °o© Charming{4-Ever} - 44
(Seattle, In--Call N-Seattle)
Permanently in Kent!! PICS 100% REAL♥♥TS LOLA♥♥☆ So dont miss out!!!!★★ - 22
(Kent Area INCALL ONLY, Seattle)
MiSs JayLa's READY to PLeAsE YOU ** BLonDe HoTTie WhO's VeRy StaCkEd ** NaTurAL F's 60 SPL - 25
(Kent Incall/Any where 2 U)
i LiKe tO PARTY!! youngin 21 SEXY asian iTaLiAn MiXx **~ HaZeL eYeS CALL NOW!! - 21
(Seattle, seattle -- Kent)
HEY..... SexyLiLSara is in KIRKLAND .. wanna hang out? 100.specials. - 40
(Everett, Kirkland incall)
Before u go any farther make a stop and see what u could've missed - 20
(Seattle, Seatac, kent, fed way. All areas in out)
**BeAuTiFuL, BrUnEtTe, UnFoRgEtAbLe, ClAsSy, ** ~ ~ 100% rEaL 100% sAtIsFaCtIon - 24
(Seattle, Seattle/Seatac Area IN&OUT; calls)
*** Amazing CURVES* Energetic &Unrushed; Services. Always Safe & Discreet *** - 23
(Seattle, KENT ON CENTRAL In-calls/out-calls)
*100 dollar Special HAVE IT YOUR WAY .. No Rush no fuss .. ;) - 24
(Seattle, seattle, Seatac incalls & All outcalls)
💘💎➔➔╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔I'm back! 💎💘 PERFECT BRUNETTE!!!!💘💎 ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔➔ ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T💘💘💘 - 19
(Seattle, Kent,Seattle,Aburn&Close; by areas IN&OUT;)
Mon 06 Jan
*¨¨*-:¦:-*~ ★ WoW ★ ~*-:¦:-*¨¨* Ultimate EXOTIC Fantasy *¨¨*Look no Further!! - 20
*~*InCaLL SpEciALs * * * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * I'm BaCK *~* - 19
◇◆☆◆◇ IN & OUT Calls ALL NIGHT ★ H○T BLONDE ;DDD! ★ TEMPTING Thursday Treat!! Give Me A Call! ◇◆☆◆◇ - 22
(Seattle, Seattle & Surrounding)
⭐⭐ Green Eyed Vixen ⭐⭐ Ready to Play 💋💋 IN CALL Specials ☀☀ Available NOW 💖💖 - 20
(Seattle, Seattle, Tacoma, Federal Way)