Wed 08 Jan
~*~*~*~ $99 SPECIAL **** Young *** Latin *** Love *** GoDDeSS !!!! ***** $99 SPECIAL *** - 23
(Seattle And Surrounding Areas)
A Face You Will Never Forget & A Night Too Remember - 21
(Seattle, Seattle surrounding outc + seatac incall)
I'm Just The Little Petite Treat You've Been Looking For, So Treat Yourself !
(Seattle And Surrounding Areas)
Tue 07 Jan
you have not seen anything like this a complete delight you have not seen anything like this - 24
(Bellingham, City of Seattle, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, seattle and surrounding, Spokane, Wenatchee)
❤╰☆╮sweet❃discreet❤and ready to meet💋 100%real❤💖 and❤💖 recent photos╰☆╮ - ❤ - 25
(Tri-Cities, WA, moses lake and surrounding areas)
~°•SeXy SwEeT PeTiTe & DiScReEt mIxEd BeAuTy OuTCaLlS aVaIlAbLe AlL NiGhT•°~ CaLl NoW•°~ - 23
(Kent, OuTcAlLs EvErYwHeRe)
▶▶▶▶▶▶▶SHES the one they call Dr. FEELGOOD SHEs the one who makes you feeel good...◀◀◀◀◀◀ - 23
(Seattle, seattle and surrounding areas)
█ ★ █ SeXy SMILE █ ★ █ TACOMA IN CaLL █▀ WeLL DReSSeD & SPOKeN █ █ PReTTy HAIR █ ▀█ NICE @SS █ ▀█ - 22
~ C*U*T*E ~ A*S*I*A*N ~ C*H*I*C*K ~ I*N* D*E*P*E*N*D* A*N*T ~ N*E*W - 22
(Seattle, OUTcalls 4 Star Hotel Friendly)
Sweet Natured,Well Mannered, Super Addicting. Girl Next Door...You've Been Warned!!!. - 25
(Seattle and surrounding areas!)
SUNDAY SPECIALS...Come Start Ur Week Right..Relax on a NAUGHTY Sunday - 26
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Seattle and Surrounding Areas)
~*~* STePHaNie WaNTs To PLaY*~*~CoME C Me ToDaY!!! *~*~*~ EARLY BIRD SpeCiALs #253-209-3299 SPECIALS - 39
(Seattle, Seatac and surrounding areas)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE ______ SPECIALS ______ DUOS AVAILABLE _______ - - 18
(Bellevue IN/OUT)
Hot, Sexy, H*rny Sexy Busty 34F Black Beauty $100 Special - 29
(Seattle, Seattle and surrounding area's)
**(( BUSTY ITALIAN HOTTIE ))**(( LEAVING IN 2 DAYS ))**(( 36DD ))**(( ))**(( BRAND NEW PICS ))** - 19
♣YOU'RE THE LUCKY GUY TODAY! (253) 343~7261 *In & out calls* $100 Special* - 25
(Seattle, Seatac, Kent and surrounding areas)
♥ ♥ ♥▬▬▬▬UNWRAP A BEAUTIFUL BLONDE •—• ☻ •☻ •—• FOR A SPECIAL PRICE ▬▬▬▬▬♥ ♥ ♥ - 25
Visiting 👀H¥pNoTiC E¥ES 👀🍑BigBooty🍑 ₮🇮🇬H₮ Juice B0x👌DiV€ IntO My €nDZon€! Specials!! - 21
(Seattle, Tukwila)
Lovely Sexy Sweet Gorgeous Latin Love Goddess Has $99 Specials ! 206-402-2436 ***** - 22
(Seattle And Surrounding Areas)
******** Late Night... Sexy Latina... ((100 Hh Outcall Special)) ********* - 19
(Federal Way & Sea-tac outcall Tonight)
LACIE >>> YOU deserve ONLY the B*E*S*T* 36 D's!!! -->>> *H*O*T* - 24
(Seattle, Tacoma and surrounding Areas)
L ((☻)) ((☻)) K ▐ ▐ ▐ ► ((DTF)) FANTASY ((BYOD)) *100* - 24
(Seattle, Bellevue Incall (Exit 12) Kirkland O/C)
LAST DaY VisiTinG LaTe RainY SPECIALS💋100hh 80qv💋NauGhTy (Exotic BUSTy MiX) (SEXY)❤️SUPER ❤FREAK❤ - 26
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Seattle and Surrounding Area)
{{{ L*A*T*E N*I*G*H*T }}} S-P_E-C_I-A_L $50/15 $70/30 $120H - 27
(Seattle, Seattle and surrounding areas)
**** Jaw ***" Dropping Puerto Rican Goddess" Has Super Specials Today ! Call Now! 206-947-3195 ***** - 22
(seattle and surrounding areas)
||Boarding First €lass Flights|| ✈ Exotic° Petite° 🔝Model° ☆ NEW Don't miss ME 📰 ☆ 1000%Real Click⌛ - 21
(Seattle, Your place 2069349271)
★ *: ೋ BIG BOOTY BARBIE ♥*-:?:-* ♥ QUALITY & EXPERINCE ★*: .ೋ - 21
💋🎀💕uLTiMaTe PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR HigHLy ReVieWeD & ReCoMMeNdeD!!💋🎀💕 - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
Sweet, Petite, Affectionate Portuguese Sugarbabydoll 4 You! I'm All You Need! - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma/Puyallup/Olympia/Auburn/FedWAy OC)
TALENTED European Goddess!!Sweet, Petite, And Ready To Be Touched!! PUYALLUP AREA OUTCALLS - 24
(Seattle, Seattle, PUYALLUP & Surrounding Areas)
In Call SPEIALS With A Top Notch Experienced Gorgeous Busty Blonde - 38
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac/Kent/Renton/Bellevue)
🎀💋👑HoT&ReaDy; BLoNde PLaYMaTe LeT Me Make uR MoRNiNg SPeCiaL👑🎀💋 - 24
(Tacoma, 👑206👑578👑6283👑 OUTCALLS)
I W¡[[ B Y0UR N@UGHT¥ G¡R[ T0N¡GHT §€NU@[ CURV¥ T@|| @ND N@T¡V€ - 24
(Seattle, federal way and surrounding areas)
Exotic SUperFReAK ✔️【cRazY SkiLLs】✔️【pRetTy FαCє】✔️【JuiCy LiPs】✔️SiMpℓy* THE * BeSt ✔️◄ - - - - 23
(Bellingham, Belliningham Bellis Fair Mall)
🌶 Are Your Tastes a Little Bit SPICIER?🌶▲ VIP Domination▲Get SPIT ROASTED Tonight!!!🔥🔥🔥 - 24
(Seattle, Seattle and surrounding)
*♥*° thick&sexy; MiSS PAiGE °*♥*° Available N0W & all NIGHT $PEC!@L$ °*♥*° - 19
(Seattle, I come to you *ANYWHERE*)
* TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE ★___MAiN ATTRACTiON___ ★ AmAZiNg __*BRUNETTE BARBIE* 120 Outcalls - 24
(Outcalls to Seattle & surrounding cities)
SPECIALS 💋💋💋💋 Sedutively Sweet 🍰🍭🍰🍭 Beautiful Blonde 💕💕💕💕 💯% discreet 💓💓💓💓💯% REAL! - 22
(Edmonds INCALL / OUTCALLS surr areas, Everett, Seattle, Shoreline)
* Super *Sexy* Puerto Rican * Love * Goddess Has $99 Special ! HURRY CALL! ( 480)298-1559 ***** - 22
(Seattle, Seattle And Surrounding Areas)
{{{ S*P*E*C*I*A*L }}} **~~ Wanna see my 2 tongue rings? ~~** - 27
(Seattle, Tukwila and surrounding areas)
~*~*~ SPECIALS !!!! Your Puerto Rican Sunshine Is Here !!!!! CALL ME 206-462-9839 *~*~*~* - 23
(Seattle And Surrounding Areas)
***** specials ***** H_ O_ T ** N_ E_ W ** B_ R_ U_ N_ E_ T_ T_ E ***** specials ***** - 24
*SMOKIN HOTT * SeaTac with Sexy Lacey * 80 Incall hh * Always Available & Always Ready * - 25
(Seattle, Seattle and surrounding cities)
~ Miss ~ Meishan ~ Japanese ~ I*N* D*E*P*E*N*D* A*N*T ~ ITTY BITTY ~ 5'1" ~ 95LBS - 22
(Seattle, OUTcalls 4 Star Hotel Friendly)
Looking For Company? Why Not JanieCaress? Pick Me For A Sure Thing Sweet Time - 26
(Seattle, West Seattle Or Yours?)
~*~ Mackenzie EXOTIC girl new to the area looking for fun! ~*~ask about $100 special - 25
(Seattle, Kent, Renton, Seattle and surrounding)
MiSs JayLa's READY to PLeAsE YOU ** BLonDe HoTTie WhO's VeRy StaCkEd ** NaTurAL F's 60 SPL - 25
(Kent Incall/Any where 2 U)
💋▃▅▆██▆▅▃💋 »-♥-» L(•)(•)K~° SÕ mÅnY ChÕIC€S bUtt NÕN€° LIK€ M€°o&o;° €xOtiC❤ღ❤ HÅWiiÅn ❤ღ❤ kOr€Ån❤ღ❤ - 24
(Seattle, TACOMA and local surrounding areas)
**LET ME HELP YOU TURN YOUR COLD NIGHT INTO A PURE PLEASURE ** $75 Special ** In-calls available ** - 25
*ExTrEmElY * )) ——*HOTT* ——(( *KiLLeR Bo0ty!* )) ——(( *REAL PICS* )) ——(( *UPSCALE & DiSCREET* ) - 19
(Seattle, Seattle/ Tacoma)
EaRLy SpeciaLs VisiTinG💎Well Reviewd/100% Real👠SEXY💎EXOTIC BusTy BaBe👉NauGhTy AwAiTs - 27
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Seattle and Surrounding Areas)
💋 Christina is here 💋 Call me , Seattle and surrounding areas 💋 Let's play 😏 Sexy Asian - 23
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Seattle.Tukwila.Burien.Belleuve.Renton)
California Chuckchansi Indian Visiting Seattle Girl next door type - 24
(Seattle, Seattle and Surrounding areas)
## California Queen Visiting Your Area 5***** Services Stacy Malone - 25
(Seattle, Seattle and Surrounding areas)
*-:^:-•* CaNdY GiRL, SoO SwEeT, SoO CrEaMy *-:^:-* pLeAsUe At ItS BeSt*-:^:-* - 21
(Seattle, Tukwila incalls outcalls everywhere)
Southcenter ❤ 👠 👄 Eastern European ❤ 👠 👄 Text 916-850-0042 - 30
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Southcenter and Surrounding)
Tantalizing and Very Sensual Experiencing *~ Pure Pleasure~*24hrs - 22
(Seattle and all surrounding areas)
Such aRainy Cold Day but It's Always Warm With Janie's Loving Touch...Come and Relax
(W.Seattle or Yours?)