Sun 26 Jan
❤❤Sweet Filipino ASIAN❤❤ 80 Special!! ❤❤ Let me show you the time of your life! ❤❤ - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you!!)
❤❤❤---- Beautiful FILPINA ASIAN--- ❤❤❤ looking for an AMAZING time? Call me! I'll come to you! - 22
(Seattle, Wherever you are)
80 special ♥♥OUTCALLS!♥♥ Let NINA treat you like the KING you are! ☆☆ASIAN FILIPINA - 22
(Seattle, i'll come to you!!)
STOP!!! Seattle's best personal playmate COME SLIDE IN and play today.. - 27
(Beacon hill private home, City of Seattle, Seattle)
♥♥I'll do EVERYTHING she won't!♥♥ 80 Special! ♥♥Asian cutie! Freaky FILIPINA!♥♥ - 22
I love what I do...let me show you! You know you've always wanted to be with an ASIAN! Call me! - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you)
! ! Forget the rest .... Cubans Do it better Papi! KinKy .. Sweet & Sensual Mami! - 21
(Renton/kent In-Seattle Outcalls)
***Early bird $80 special!!*** Beautiful, sweet asian F I L I P I N A, ready to PLEASE you!!! - 22
(Seattle, i'll come to you!!)
♥♥80SPECIALS all night! ♥♥Asian Cutie! !! Never leave unsatisfied with me♥ - 22
(Seattle, OUTCALLS everywhere)
★-----80 SPECIAL-----★ Gorgeous SWEET & eager FILIPINA ASIAN --- !--- ★ - 22
(Seattle, i'll come to you!!)
❤❤80 SPECIAL ALL DAY!❤❤ I'll show you the time of your life! FILIPINO ASIAN ready to come to you! - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you)
**80 OUTCALL SPECIAL ALL DAY** Sweet&beautiful; ASIAN, guaranteed to leave you wanting MORE!! - 22
(Seattle, i'll come to you!!)
**80 OUTCALL SPECIAL ALL DAY** Sweet&beautiful; ASIAN, guaranteed to leave you wanting MORE!! - 22
(Seattle, i'll come to you!!)
Sensual Relaxation for Couples, Men & Women 4 Hand Delight by a God & Goddess - 28
(Seattle, Beacon Hill/Downtown Seattle)
Sacred Touch, Body Worship, Celebrate Your Pleasure Potential. Visiting Only! - 28
(Seattle, Beacon Hill/Downtown Seattle)
Sexy SHEMALE MASSEUSE for an Amazing fullbody bodywork. $80/hr Season Special - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE Masseuse for an Amazing fullbody bodywork. $80/hr Season Special - 37
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy Shemale MASSEUSE 4 a COMPLETE Fullbody RUB 4UR STRESS. PRE-Spring Special $80/hr. - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill area)
Sexy SHEMALE MASSEUSE for an Amazing fullbody rub. Spring Madness SPECIAL $75/hr - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
----S W E E T . S E X Y . S E N S U A L---- Willing & ready ASIAN FILIPINA --- Special ALL day!! - 22
(Seattle, i'll come to you!!)
Amazing Soothing Sensuous 4Handed full Bodyrub by Sxy SheMale and Sxy Man 2Double UR Pleasure - 39
(Seattle, Beacon Hill Seattle)
4HANDS Bodywork for Males, Females and Couples. Double UR pleasure and let us make U feel great. - 37
(Seattle, Beacon Hill, Seattle, WA)
Sat 11 Jan
80 special♥ ♥OUTCALLS!♥♥ Let NINA treat you like the KING you are! ☆☆ASIAN FILIPINA - 22
(Seattle, i'll come to you!!)
Amazing Soothing Sensuous 4Handed full Bodyrub by Sxy SheMale and Sxy Man 2Double UR Pleasure - 37
(Seattle, Beacon Hill Seattle)
❤ASIAN ❤FILIPINO ❤80 special all night ❤I love what I do, let me show you! ❤ - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you)
Fri 10 Jan
Sexy Shemale Masseuse for an Amazing FULL bodyRUB 2take care of UR Stress from Daily Life Activities - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE MASSEUSE 4a Fullbody Rub Let me Help U with UR Stress. MAD Holiday Special $100/90mins - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy Shemale MASSEUSE to take you to an AMAZING relaxing, rejuvenating and energizing adventure - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill area)
💋❤Early bird $80 special!!❤💋 ASIAN FILIPINA waiting to PLEASE you! ❤💋 AVAILABLE NOW! - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you)
Thu 09 Jan
Sexy Shemale MASSEUSE 4fullbody rub for your stress. POST Holiday Special $75/hr - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE Masseuse for a totally Amazing FULLBODY rub. Also Offer 4HANDS Bodyrub. - 37
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SheMale Masseuse for a complete Bodywork 2Take UR Stress & Muscles Tensions Away. - 36
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Pretty & Sexy Shemale MASSEUSE 4aFullbody Rub 2Take UR Stress Away & Take care of UR Muscles Needs - 36
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Wed 08 Jan
Sexy Shemale Masseuse 4a Great FULL bodyrub to take care of UR Stressed Body. 75mins/$100 Special - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE Masseuse for a totally Amazing FULLBODY rub. Also Offer 4HANDS Bodyrub. - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy Shemale MASSEUSE 4a TOTAL fullbody rub. Let me take care of YOUR DAILY LIFE STRESS - 37
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
80 ♥♥♥I'll show you the time of your life!!!♥♥♥ 80 FILIPINO ASIAN! Available now! - 22
(Seattle, i'll come to you!!)
Tue 07 Jan
Blonde Bombshell 💣💎MaDi 💎 🔝-NOTCH Provider 💸 UpscaLe Companion - 25
(Beacon Hill, Bellevue, City of Seattle, Seattle)
❤Let me make your ASIAN FANTASY come true! ❤80 special ❤Freaky FILIPINA ❤UNRUSHED time ❤ - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you)
Sexy SHEMALE MASSEUSE 4a Great Fullbody Bodywork 4UR muscles needs. Allow me 2take care of UR Body. - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE MASSEUSE for an Amazing fullbody rub. Treat & Love URself! PRE-Spring Special $80/hr - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Mon 06 Jan
Sexy Shemale Masseuse for a Great FULL bodyrub to take care of your Stressed Body - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy and Classy Shemale MASSEUSE for a TOTAL fullbody rub. Also Offering 4HANDS Body-Rub. - 37
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE Masseuse 4a complete bodyrub to take care of your muscles tension - 36
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Have me, THE BDAY GIRL by the hr or On a WEEKLY BASIS. . - 29
(capital hill/beacon hill, City of Seattle, Seattle)
Sexy Shemale Masseuse for an Amazing COMPLETE RUB 2take care of UR Stressed Body. Pre-Special $80/hr - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
❤❤I love what I do! Let me show you!❤❤ 80❤❤ Asian FILIPINA ready to treat you like a king!❤❤ - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you)
Sexy SHEMALE MASSEUSE 4a Great fullbody rub 2take care of UR Stress. $80/hr Special Season Rate - 37
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Shemale MASSEUSE 4an Amazing Fullbody MASSAGE-Let me take care of UR Muscles Need - 36
(Seattle-Beacon Hill area)
Sexy SheMale MASSEUSE 2take care of UR STRESS/Muscles need. $80/hr Season Special!!! - 37
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill area)
Sexy SHEMALE MASSEUSE 4an Amazing Fullbody Bodywork. Allow me 2take care of UR Stress. Try me. - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sun 05 Jan
Sacred Touch, Goddess Body Worship, Visiting Only! May 16 - 26 - 28
(Seattle, Beacon Hill/Downtown Seattle)
Sexy Shemale MASSEUSE 4 an Amazing Fullbody RUB. POST Holiday Special $75/hr - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill area)
Sexy Shemale MASSEUSE 4a TOTAL fullbody rub. Let me take care of UR stress PRE-Spring Special $80/hr - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE MASSEUSE 4a Fullbody Rub Let me Help U 2 Release UR Stress from Daily Activities. - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sat 04 Jan
Shemale MASSEUSE 4aFullbody Rub 2Take UR Stress Away-Let me take you into my hands - 36
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE Masseuse 4a totally Amazing Body-rub experience. Allow my warm hands 2make U feel good. - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
❤SWEET❤ SEXY❤ SENSUAL❤ Unrushed time with a beautiful ASIAN FILIPINA ❤80❤ - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you)
██▄▄█ -██▄▄█ ██▄▄ ██▄▄█ ██▄▄█ -██▄▄. 100 MULTI SPECIAL. ██▄▄█ -██▄▄█ ██▄▄ ██▄▄█ ██▄▄█ -██▄▄ - 21
Celebrate Your Pleasure Potential with Lily. Last Few Days in Town :) - 28
(Seattle, South of Downtown/Beacon Hill)
Sexy and Classy Shemale MASSEUSE for a TOTAL fullbody rub. Also Offering 4HANDS Body-Rub. - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE MASSEUSE 4a Great fullbody rub 2take care of UR Stress. $80/hr Special Season Rate - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SheMale MASSEUSE 2take care of UR STRESS/Muscles need. $80/hr Season Special!!! - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill area)
Fri 03 Jan
Sexy SHEMALE Masseuse for a totally Amazing FULLBODY rub. Spring Madness SPECIAL $75/hr - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
★☆ IN & OUT call special! ☆★Beautiful F R E A K Y filipina! I wont leave you dissapointed!!! - 22
(Seattle, Outcalls & incalls)
----S W E E T . S E X Y . S E N S U A L---- Willing & ready ASIAN FILIPINA --- 80 Special ALL day!! - 22
(Seattle, Outcalls & incalls)
4 HANDS Fullbody bodywork 4Males, Females and Couples done by Sxy SheMale and Sxy Male - 37
(Seattle, Beacon Hill, Seattle, WA)
Katie out calls Downtown SEATTLE l!!! Tonight only, BY REQUEST - 28
(Seattle, Seattle incall and outcall anywhere)
Sexy Shemale Masseuse 2Take UR Stress/Tension Away From the Holidays. SPECIAL RATE!!! - 36
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE Masseuse for a complete bodyrub. Treat yourself and get an Amazing RUB. - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy SHEMALE Masseuse for a complete bodyrub. Treat yourself 2 an Amazing RUB - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Sexy and Classy SheMale MASSEUSE for a TOTAL fullbody rub. Allow me 2Take U 2 a world of wonders - 39
(Seattle, Seattle-Beacon Hill)
❤❤ Let's have some fun!❤❤ Beautiful FILIPINO ASIAN available now! ❤❤ $80 special - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you)
Shemale MASSEUSE 4an Amazing Fullbody MASSAGE-Let me take care of UR Muscles Need - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill area)
Sexy SHEMALE Masseuse for a complete bodyrub. Love yourself get an Amazing RUB. 75mins/$100 Special - 37
(Seattle-Beacon Hill)
Thu 02 Jan