Sun 26 Jan
* Birthday Special *__________ _____________ ________ __________* Rare Visit Luxury VIP Companion * - 30
(Tacoma, Puyallup INCALL, OUTCALL YES)
iM BaCk!;)_HiGhLy ReViEwEd✨GoRgEoUs GrEeN EyEd JuIcY BlOnDe ReAdY 4 yOu! - 22
(Seattle, shoreline,Lynnwood,Edmonds private ic)
🌻🌼$80 IC SpeCial🌸🌹2084502281 ❕My 🅿As$i💎N iS 💎UR 🅿LEA$URE❗🌺🌹thIck BruNettE JUIC¥ B00T¥ 🌼🌻 - 26
(Edmonds/ North Seattle, Seattle, Tukwila)
80 SpEcIaL!HiGhLy ReViEwEd & ReCoMmEnDeD GoRgEoUs GrEeN EyEd JuIcY BlOnDe ReAdY 4 yOu! - 22
(Seattle, Shoreline, Shoreline,Lynnwood,edmonds, private ic)
Sat 11 Jan
☜70$hh IC☞My INaFAxUaTioN is PeNaTrAtiOn ☜☞ SeXy BrUnEttE ♡JUICY BiG BooTy ~ 2069719106~♥~Edmonds IC - 26
(Seattle, ☜☆☞EDMONDS☜☆☞)
Wed 08 Jan
🐾 👄EdMoNdS 👄SpeCial•2084502281👄 My PAs$i♡N iS Y♡UR PLEA$URE↩👄RyAn will satisfy u 100% 🐾👄 - 26
(City of Seattle, Edmonds 239th and 99, Everett, Seattle, Shoreline)
Tue 07 Jan
✅✨✘ uℓtiℳαtε ✘ ρℓαγMαtε ✘ ✨✴SKiLLŞ👌👄 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε 🎆 NEW PICS!👅💄SEXY 💦 AvAilABle 📞NoW ❗ - 23
(Seattle, MOUNTLAKE TERRACE Edmonds Shoreline IC)
Sun 05 Jan
【 ☆ ╠╣illaryMuff™ ☆ 】【 5O specials 】【 ☆CoZy uP 2 Me a CuRVy CuTie! ☆ 】 - 36
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Tukwila Incall)
Thu 02 Jan